Thursday, July 7, 2011

Queche Yoxon family needs a home!

The Queche Yaxon family was living in a house by the river. As the rainy season has just begun, the family decided to move to avoid a potentially fatal situation.

The grandmother lent the family a place to live, but it is barely a house. The family is currently living on a cement floor with an aluminum roof. There are no walls. They share a small bed with a small mattress. The family of eight is essentially sleeping outside.

Virginia would like to rent a home for her family, but she does not have enough money. Her husband is an alcoholic and gives the family very little money. They rely on the money that Virginia makes, selling food on the street.

We would like to help them rent a real house with walls.

To help the family pay the rent, it will cost U$96 per month.  If you are able to help this family in any way, please go to Donate Now and enter your donation in the "Other" box and write "1045" in the details box, as well as "housing" as the purpose of your donation. 

Thank you so much!

Family loses home and cannot pay rent

Sandra and her family recently lost their house during a heavy rainfall. The house, which they owned, sat on the riverbank and during a recent downpour, the house collapsed into the river. Thankfully everyone in the family is okay, but now the family does not have a home. They found a small place to rent, but all of their money was invested in the house that collapsed. They came to us here at Mayan Families to see if we could help them in any way.

The family consists of mother Sandra, father Gerson, and their two sons, Rodrigo and Sebastian. Gerson works as a tuc-tuc driver and doesn't make much money at all. Sandra is struggling to find as much work as she can. It is evident that with the money they are making, they won't be able to pay for the rent.

The rent of their new house is U$72 per month.  If you are able to help this family in any way, please go to Donate Now and enter your donation in the "Other" box and write "#1094" in the details box, as well as "housing" as the purpose of your donation. Any amount will be of great help!

Thank you!